Monday, August 25, 2014


Everything changes!Even tectonic plates shift.But when the changes come in order to enhance,enlarge and even arouse,then we say the change is for the better.When change comes,some people fear but others see the sprouting of a new bud;a new life-a continuation of the present into perpetual time.
That is what LIFELINES have done.We have changed and we cant look back.We have a new clothing that enhances our stature and position in the society we live in.We would have wanted to restrict ourselves to the first calling but a time comes when you need to embrace variety so you can preserve and even enlarge the impact of your first call.For over four years now,we have written poetry and about poetry.We have sieved the best and given it to our readers.More lines have not found their place on the page-probably an e-release or a hard copy publication will do the trick.
Meanwhile,we have enlarged our vision and our mission is more clear.Like Saul who got converted on his way to Damascus,we have realized our calling mid-journey and are ready to thrill our audience with wit,wisdom and info. all the way.Moving forward,LIFELINES will be about people who are doing or who have done astounding /great things in Africa and beyond.Its about new frontiers being carved.Its about good books which once in your hands you cant keep down.Its about messages from men and women of honor in Africa who are shaping the life of the inhabitants of this great continent into the new world dispensation.Lifelines is about spectacular places you can visit and havens being carved in the midst of life going ons.And without forgetting where we have come from,LIFELINES will continue to be a fertile ground for beautiful prose and engaging lines.LIFELINES will be a cache for the good life that everybody craves for.It will actually be a mastermind community for a more better and freer society-And that is LIFE-The Good Life.We promise that every line that gets published will elevate your conscious to a level you have never known before.Love you all!

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