Friday, September 4, 2015

Mans craving

To live in space,
And transcend space and time
to be everywhere all at the same time,
And fill the void of the human limit,
To bury the scroll where evils plans are scribed
To realize the real reason
for right and wrong,
To clip the pride at its bud
And in its place,
hoist the similar sinews of thought that unites us
To cry with those who cry
and laugh with those who laugh
To connect ones embers of thought
With those alike in space,
is but a mans dream in search of reality
Though the murderer becomes an outcast
and the leprosy infested suffers
and it appears like he doesn't know God
Though the rich man prides in his wealth
and forgets that it is not his but someone elses' toil
and the poor man begs for sustenance,
Both are the same
cut from the same cloth-We're all from the same cast
our going and returning all but a determinate of one,
One who has never wavered
and till we return to the ground
from whence we co meth
All is but toil and vanity
as we search for meaning
as we look for whats real
In this changing play
where we're characters till we exit.

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