Monday, November 16, 2015

The african dream

Good things come in small tidings.
And thats what mother africa teaches us .

Left behind in an arms race,
And trailing in a nuclear race of the super powers.
The begging bowl not far away.
Its the exchange of power for convenience that has shaped her,
She's the  king maker in a contest without a winner,
and mother Africa knows too well to stay in her place.
Tis not that shes far removed from world affairs,
neither is it that it doesn't matter.
Her position of troding the beaten path,
Makes her the one who learns by the mistake of others.
Who would have thought superpowers can go to war without a thought,
Or worse still take sides where none promises good.
This makes Africa the last frontier.
It makes her the virgin land ,
In a great expanse of nothingness.
It makes her the dream land.
Where both hopes and destiny are realized.

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