Friday, December 1, 2017


I, feeling as i feel,
And seeing as i see,
That the world is not anything more
than I and you.
Knowing that men,
And women too,
In their different ways think and act

To put to life their being.
And to put life in their being.
To be, then is to be the I,
And nothing else matters
As it shouldn't either.
To be fire is to be the flame that consumes,
the sparkle, and the light.
All as one,all in one
For victory is one over self,
And not of the world,
And not for the world.
Its to redeem the genius that sleeps,
To awaken the true 'I in Me and You'
To grow, and glow, and still not show.
For the wind which cometh
and elevates men to show,
Knows too how to catch into oblivion.
That spirit speaks not the language of being,
It knows not the ways of the spirit,the I.
What use will it be then?
Safe to slay the I in Me and You.
Though men be the same,
And their deeds tally,
Of different template they come.
For same reason,
Though a man goes down once,
He,can rally back,
Bringing to order the fragments,
And establishing the I in him,
That eternal indestructible element.

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