Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jesus Christ The Nazarene

No one knew your place
Not even joseph your father
Nor Mary your Mother.
By prophecy you came into being
so that of man you would not be stained nor restrained
And from sin you would be exempted.
Like any other child you grew,
with every day hustles of life,
What with Herod claiming your head?
And apprenticing at your dads workshop?

Mary your mother never believed.
who,being pure would believe anyway?
Joseph reluctantly agreed,
Because he no part played.
You came to master the world,
and knew  where it pained
You knew love would heal everything.
Being social, you attended functions
And when no drink was available
you turned water into wine.

You did many more miracles
 I remember when you raised Jairu's daughter.
Some other time you walked on water
And peter,doubting thought it  wasn't you
He thought it was a geenie
Some of your interventions were amazing,and timely too
Like when you fed the 5,000 with fish and bread.
You sympathized and empathized,
Restored sight in eyes gone blind,healed
And calmed the storm.

You did not have a great education to boot
But you became the greatest teacher,
Comparing situations through proverbs,
Talking about truths,untruths and half truths,
And giving fatherly advise as you went on with ministry
You never wanted so much a mention of your deeds
Yet your works and fame went far
And so others could not understand,asking
Who is this  Jew ?
Does he even know the law?

Just like you came,
You had to die so as to take the place of our sin
And fulfill prophecy
So as to make our mortal nature immortal
And cleanse our blemished nature
Planting God's supremacy forever and ever
And so that Glory may endure forever
You rose from the dead and now you reign
We may never know who you were
But we know who you are to us
A living hope among and within us.
As we celebrate christmas once again
Remembering your birth in a lowly manger
We say Happy Birthday
Jesus Christ the Nazarene.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Goodwill,The Prayer.

May the sun shine on you today
and forever more.
Where the wicked lay their traps
and where those abounding in ill lurk,
May the lord prepare a feast of victory
Not because you deserve,
But because he despises an evil eye .
May God maintain the stillness of your breath,
Clothe you with honour and raise you up.
Just in case you meet a stranger in need,
May you be swift to discern who he is,
because from the father he may be sent
To test your abundance.
And to test your faith.
May you find it in you to raise weak souls,
And wake  slumbering giants,
So they may know what lies in them,
And when you meet warring factions,
May you be the peacemaker that drives out hate.
Where decisions are needed,
As it happens always,
May your word appease to both
And appeal to all.
And when you may want to proclaim his good deeds,
May the path you plant your feet get lined with gold
And the walls,out of gemstone be made,
So it may be easy for the unbelieving to believe.
As you go out and come back,
May his beam light your path,
And as you travel to far away places,
Meeting new people and making friends,
May all those experiences make your soul rich
Yearning for the maker of them all.

Friday, December 1, 2017


I, feeling as i feel,
And seeing as i see,
That the world is not anything more
than I and you.
Knowing that men,
And women too,
In their different ways think and act

To put to life their being.
And to put life in their being.
To be, then is to be the I,
And nothing else matters
As it shouldn't either.
To be fire is to be the flame that consumes,
the sparkle, and the light.
All as one,all in one
For victory is one over self,
And not of the world,
And not for the world.
Its to redeem the genius that sleeps,
To awaken the true 'I in Me and You'
To grow, and glow, and still not show.
For the wind which cometh
and elevates men to show,
Knows too how to catch into oblivion.
That spirit speaks not the language of being,
It knows not the ways of the spirit,the I.
What use will it be then?
Safe to slay the I in Me and You.
Though men be the same,
And their deeds tally,
Of different template they come.
For same reason,
Though a man goes down once,
He,can rally back,
Bringing to order the fragments,
And establishing the I in him,
That eternal indestructible element.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The dark cloud

You're looking for a silver lining,
on a dark cloud that hangs!
And there is none.
Forget the evening star,
that dazzles the sky.
Forget the beautiful nights,
Made of choruses and triumph stories.
There is a heavy day that's coming.
We want to bury ourselves,
Right in the same sand we stand,
And hope that we're resilient enough,
To fight our weak instincts,
when hell breaks loose.

But wait a little bit,
For how long can we be provoked without fighting?
For how long can you accomodate a weaker man
from  the same species?
How long can they make us hate them?
For how long can they make us be like them?
Will hating them help us,or even them
Will it add to our portion,or diminish it
Will it brighten the dark cloud?

War is not anybodys master.
Ask south sudan,ask lebanon,ask them all.
Closer home,ask Rwanda
All have got a story they don't want to repeat,
Except in memorials,
As they remember their loved ones-now dead

As the days go by,
The dark cloud sags from weight.
It could be a warning,but there it is,
You could as well say goodbye to freedom.
Say goodbye to peaceful nights as you know them.
Even forget the beautiful sunset and dazzling sunrise.
And get accustomed to the cock of guns.
Where anybody can be a victim
As the dark cloud darkens.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Its About The People!

Governments are made by the  people.
Its about their lives,
The way theyl'd like to live,
And to organize themselves.
And what  are laws for,
If they don't serve the mass?
If the laws serve sectoral interests,
In a greedy craze for power,
That is never law!
Its some form of jungle observance.
Its a predator- prey game
It can't be that it is well ,
When our wishes to elect are not respected!
It is not enough to restrain ourselves,
And say that it is well.
It cannot be well when the majority,
Are told their choice don't matter.
It is not enough to tell us that the courts said so!
Are not courts supposed to be subservient,
to the rule of law and the law of people?
What the are elections for?
If there is always another way at it!
has it become ping pong?
So you can always hit it this or the other way.
How long can we hold this thought?
Even history is not replete with such to learn from!
This is colonization,second time around.
We've got to decolonize our minds.
And see this not so good picture before us.
They say peace peace during the day.
While at night they preach war.
They who detest peace.
They drive hatred among the people
And their tongue cuts like a double edge sword.
Who will tell the people ,
That their determination at the cue stands?
Who will tell them that it is supreme.
Who will tell them that it stands high?
High on the shoulders of all the laws of the land.
Who will tell the people,
That the resoluteness of their vote,
Is a thousand times richer,
Than the decision of a few however brainy.
Its all about the people,
who brave the chilly weather.
It is about they, who faced with a choice,
And with no coercion whatsoever,
Do exercise their inalienable right.
This, crystallizes our rights.
It simmers the justice we swore to defend,
Into a marble which though malleable,
Always takes back the shape of the people.
If the people so say,
And in agreement they executive their scheme,
That on that day none will cast,
Who then becomes the leader?
Who then takes the other to court?
Who petitions and who responds?
Its all about the people!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Gangland? Unabridged.

He feels his machete,
Gets the comfort of knowing he still has it
And in the name of ill will,
Turns cold inside.
An inhuman spirit runs through him,
As he strangles a fellow human,
One with no power whatsoever ,
to change that which is unchangeable.
The news go fast ,
It actually spreads like wildfire,
Men stutter and speak in low tones,
Of what our land has become.
And they ask,
Has it become a gangland?
If you speak not and do your thing,
They think you must be after something.
If you speak out,
You are a loud mouth and a nuisance,
and you must be silenced.
And so one after the other is silenced,
Till the guns go silent.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

No other Land.

When you beat the drums of war,
And prepare us for bloodshed,
When you don't tolerate each other,
Calling each other names,
When your campaign machines roar,
And you don't care how deafening it is,
Care only that we've got no other land to call ours.

Let me remind you again,
For the umpteenth time,
That we've got no fare to exotic destinations.
Nay,we're not even used to the cultures out there,
The cuisine in foreign lands will make us sick.
Please preserve our peace,
We've got no other land to call home.

Power is deceptive,
It's fallacious,especially when it gets to your head.
We care less though on its effect on you,
Remember we pay for your enhanced status,
Or have you forgotten that its our tray you eat from?
But we don't mind all this,
Only that you preserve our peace,
Because we've got no other land to call home.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


The drums of Africa  are calling.
The sun tanned dreams of black people,
are crying on rooftops.
Yelling loud for whoever cares to listen.
How can a continent with so much,
have so little to show.
How can a continent with the best brains
be so poor among other nations of the world.

Am not seeking answers here!
Am just jogging your conscience,
On this state of events.
How can Congo allow its Gold to be pilfered
Why do countries with so much pile debt,
And perpetuate the depedence syndrome
Whether we look East Or West home's best.
We better till our land and eat from it.

Why do countries in Africa fight for oil,
Even before they dig the first wells.
And in Kenya,they fight for a share of the oil money,
Even before the machines roar to life.
Why does Africa behave as if its in a hurry.
To walk before it crawls.
We set policy institutions,
Even before we get our policies and priorities right.

And others in Africa sing the West's song!
That song of arrogance.
That intimidating 'Macho' bravado.
That show off about power.
That looking down on Africa that hurts!
Where does the Cocoa in their tea come from?
Is it not from ivory coast and the gold coast
And the best grade coffee?
Is it not from Africa highlands?
Africa may never be the sugar in anybody's tea.
But we are the aroma that reminds them,
About Africa.
And about being African and the difference.
And the same way too should Africa carry itself.
Which way Africa?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

MAUMAU the rennaisance

MauMau is not a myth,
Neither is it a story from outer space
It is a story weaved in resilience,
A determination by man,
that north or south,
east or west,
Nobody will deny us,
The use of what is ours.
It is like the civil rights movement in the America.
It is a declaration of rights,
And an affirmation of justice,
That whoever does to man,
That which isn't deserved
doesn't deserve to be with their resources.

Maumau looketh not behind,
Because what's ahead is much important!
If they took our land,
They don't have to till it as we watch.
If they see one who is ignorant,
They don't have to profile all of us as so,
If they deal with a half baked brain,
They don't have to label us as mind challenged.
Maumau looks at capacity.
They look after their land,
And the resources they have,
Yes,Maumau looks after their capital.
If looking at these things,
Makes all  people Maumau
Then i too, am Maumau.

Maumau is transformational.
IT didn't cease with Kimathi,
Or with General Mathenge.
Maumau is just,and caring.
If we've got  one meal,we share.
Maumau is a movement.
For the emancipation of human kind.
Mau mau replicates the good that's left.
Maumau embodies Gandhi
And personifies Martin Luther King JNR.
It is selfless.
I guess Maumau is not dead.
And if it is,
I would be glad to wake it up,
And tell it,and tell them,
And tell him,and tell her,
That the work is not yet done.
Not yet.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Why are all the good people silent?

When a city is taken over,
Ravaged and flattened to the earth,
Destroyed by the enemy,
and uprooted by the roots,
In so far as it didn't stand on its own
But by the commission and omission of all
Where will the good people be?
Will they be spared by the blind knife that kills?
Will they have an ark as of noah,
To shield them from harm?
Harm that they too have helped forment
But which they'ld want to run away now

When the Israelites made their gods,
They who made them knew of the danger ahead.
By compromise,those who never made them,
but made it not their business to speak against it,
Too were destroyed
And so the world is better not with thee,
Thee who keep quiet when idols are worshiped!
Thee who stand guard ,
At the offices of the corrupt.
Ye bystanders who know the wrong,
But find peace eating with the wrong doers,
Sharing their loot and keepin quiet.

The world is not destroyed by the wrong doers.
But by the good people who knowing of it  keep quiet.
If Martin Luther kept quiet,
A hundred years may have passed,
With the same isolation and racism pervading,
till one of his ilk, lacking peace in silence,
Talked anti and against the vice.
If Mandela kept quiet,apartheid would still be.
Millions and millions of God's people treated as second class
Denied jobs,healthcare and conscious chained.
The oppressors were not bad ,
They have always not been bad people.
Anyone can be bad in the eyes of another!
Silence by the oppressed is the bad thing
And so i ask-
Why are all the good people silent?
When all this vice is happening in our world.
Why are all the good people silent?
When this is happening right next to our hamlets,
And right next to our perimeter fenced mansions.
Why are all the good people silent?

Monday, February 13, 2017


This ain't a law
It is a wonder that curves
Taking as it receives
In class it isn't taught
And so no genius of it exists,
Though in varying degrees,
this magic is espoused.

It doesn't get extinguished,
It dies slowly-nay it wanes,
When left unattended.
But like a snowy brook,
from a mountain recess ,
't can sprout again,
to spread its wings,
and cover wrongs past
with its lovely splendor.

To love and be loved
isn't a liability to either
its a responsibility,
borne of passion,
its a lasting reservoir,
that quench  a thirsty soul,
feeds a hungry crave,
and calms a restless heart.
From me to you-
I love you...will always do.

Monday, January 16, 2017


Her skin sags from her cheek
And so that it doesnt bother her more
she ties it close to the cheek bone
That is the picture of Kenya at hunger
Its a dire situation
The children no longer go to school
Not that they dont like it anymore
What with the newly introduced laptop!
But they've to fetch water
At the village well
The only one that has not dried up
And so the queue forms
Minutes tick away into hours
Oblivious of the missed lessons
When the children are back home,
Its already two in the afternoon
Their empty stomachs-
These which have not had a meal for days give up
And there is no logic to go to school
Only to learn for 30 minutes
But how are they supposed to learn as they yawn?
The old lady is only their grandmother,
Their mother has not been back for days
As she seeks relief food
And on the last day ,
A merchant of death brokers theirs portion for sale.
So she wonders-
Whats the use of going back home?
Where the hungry stares of children saps my last energy
And the dying face of old mama tears all hope of life!
That is our dire need-As kenyans.