Sunday, October 15, 2017

The dark cloud

You're looking for a silver lining,
on a dark cloud that hangs!
And there is none.
Forget the evening star,
that dazzles the sky.
Forget the beautiful nights,
Made of choruses and triumph stories.
There is a heavy day that's coming.
We want to bury ourselves,
Right in the same sand we stand,
And hope that we're resilient enough,
To fight our weak instincts,
when hell breaks loose.

But wait a little bit,
For how long can we be provoked without fighting?
For how long can you accomodate a weaker man
from  the same species?
How long can they make us hate them?
For how long can they make us be like them?
Will hating them help us,or even them
Will it add to our portion,or diminish it
Will it brighten the dark cloud?

War is not anybodys master.
Ask south sudan,ask lebanon,ask them all.
Closer home,ask Rwanda
All have got a story they don't want to repeat,
Except in memorials,
As they remember their loved ones-now dead

As the days go by,
The dark cloud sags from weight.
It could be a warning,but there it is,
You could as well say goodbye to freedom.
Say goodbye to peaceful nights as you know them.
Even forget the beautiful sunset and dazzling sunrise.
And get accustomed to the cock of guns.
Where anybody can be a victim
As the dark cloud darkens.