Monday, May 11, 2015

Lose Your Guns-Dedicated to the leaders of Nadome and the remnants of Nadome who lost their loved ones.

Does nadome ring a bell?
Does the sight of bodies swell your conscious;
to a breaking point!
And the sight of a child left with no care,
after its mama has been butchered?
Tis these things that trouble the soul.
And rage boils from within,and without.
Men killing men
men killing women,
as the babes cling to their mother's lifeless backs.
Is it for resource that they kill...and maim.
Is there Gold at Nadome?
Please tell me-i don't understand
Somebody tell the death merchants of Nadome,
There is no pride in taking away that which you can't give
Am talking to the leaders of Nadome!
Nadome is not an island.
It is not leaderless.
Nadome has leaders with titles.
Nadomes' certainly not a no mans land
It has history,culture and certainly a future
Tell the people of this place,
And the people who border Nadome to drop their guns.
Tell them that ceasefires exist,
That there are break-aways from the past.
I urge these who kill-To lose their guns
History will baptize you a new name,
And call you peace makers.
The future will adore your stamina amidst strife,
And call you the warriors of light,
Who saw beyond the barriers of thought.

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